Ramaphosa congratulates Macron on second term as French president

08 May 2022 - 08:50
By Aphiwe Deklerk
Emmanuel Macron and Cyril Ramaphosa during the French president's visit to SA in May 2021.
Image: GCIS Emmanuel Macron and Cyril Ramaphosa during the French president's visit to SA in May 2021.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has congratulated French President Emmanuel Macron on being elected for a second term to lead his country.

Macron was inaugurated on Saturday for his second term. In a statement, Ramaphosa said he had congratulated the French leader during a phone call on Thursday.

A year ago, during a state visit to SA, Macron met Ramaphosa at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic to talk about vaccines and their manufacture in the country.

Presidential spokesperson Tyrone Seale said the two presidents discussed several international matters of mutual concern on Thursday.

President Ramaphosa congratulated President Macron on his re-election in the second round of the French presidential elections on April 24,” he said.

The leaders discussed the conflict in Ukraine. President Ramaphosa reiterated SA's view, emphasising the need to urgently resolve the conflict through negotiations to reach a lasting agreement

“President Ramaphosa acknowledged the message of condolence and welcomed the offer of material support from President Macron in the aftermath of the devastating floods in KwaZulu-Natal and other parts of the country.

Macron agreed to support the call for international vaccine buyers such as Covid-19 Vaccines Global Access (Covax) and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to procure vaccines for African countries from manufacturers on the continent. 

This was necessary to ensure the viability and sustainability of Africa’s emerging vaccine manufacturing capacity,” said Seale. “The leaders also discussed other initiatives to strengthen relations between the EU and AU.”

Seale said the two leaders expressed concern about the security situation in Mozambique's Cabo Delgado province. Macron confirmed France’s willingness to work with the Sadc mission in Mozambique and to support the EU’s financial assistance to the mission.

The leaders discussed the conflict in Ukraine. President Ramaphosa reiterated SA's view, emphasising the need to urgently resolve the conflict through negotiations to reach a lasting agreement,” said Seale.

The leaders discussed co-operation with the AU to address the impact of the conflict on food and energy security on the African continent and among other vulnerable countries.