Stage 2 load-shedding effective from midday, risk of more cuts this week

Eskom says it needs to implement stage 2 loadshedding from 12 noon until 10pm as the power system is severely constrained.
Eskom says it needs to implement stage 2 loadshedding from 12 noon until 10pm as the power system is severely constrained.
Image: Eskom

Breakdowns in electricity generation have resulted in Eskom announcing an enforced power outage from midday to 10pm on Tuesday.

Ten generation units at seven power stations suffered breakdowns in the last 48 hours, said the energy utility.

“A generator each broke down at Amot, Medupi, Lethabo, Matla power stations, while two units each at Majuba, Camden and Tutuka power stations also broke down. 

“Unplanned breakdowns stand at 11,665MW of capacity, adding to the 4,558MW currently out on planned maintenance.

“Any further deterioration in the generation performance may necessitate the escalation of load-shedding at short notice.

“As the aged generation infrastructure is unreliable and volatile, this constrained power system is expected to persist for the rest of the week,” Eskom said.


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