'Rock attack' leaves jogger bleeding

04 August 2019 - 16:11
By SowetanLIVE
The scene after a jogger was allegedly attacked.
Image: Facebook/Ellen Raubenheimer The scene after a jogger was allegedly attacked.

A jogger was left bleeding after allegedly having a rock thrown at her on the walkway between St James and Muizenberg in Cape Town on Sunday.

The suspect was chased and caught by civilians in the vicinity, according to a post shared  on the public Kalk Bay Village Facebook page.

Kieron Reddy was involved in apprehending the man.

“I'm happy that I was one of the citizen's that assisted in making this arrest this morning and a big thank you to security and the gentleman dressed in running attire who didn't let this thug escape from their grip. We need to send a strong message to all thugs. Not on my watch,” he wrote.

It was not immediately clear if a criminal case had been opened.

“I'd like to think that many others would've stopped and done the same. I will be following up on this. I hope a case has been opened.”

South Africa
Two cyclists attacked in Stellenbosch
5 years ago

Muggers have preyed on people in the area previously. The Muizenberg Improvement District, on its website, urges joggers and walkers to use the walkway at busy times or in a group. “If you are jogging, it is better not to wear earphones as this reduces your awareness of what is happening around you.”

 A suspected mugger was arrested on St James beach shortly after a jogger was robbed at knifepoint on the nearby "catwalk" to Muizenberg, TimesLIVE reported in January.

The victim positively identified the 35-year-old suspect from Lavender Hill who, it was later found, was out on bail for other alleged criminal acts.

Four suspects – three of them teenagers – were arrested in February for robbing people on the walkway.