Gauteng police spokesperson Captain Mavela Masondo said the picture circulating on social media is that of a suspect who is wanted for murder, attempted murder and hijacking in Honeydew and Mpumalanga.
“We have noticed the information that is making the rounds on social media to say the suspect [in the murder of the security guards] has been arrested, which is not true. The suspects are still at large. The suspect that is in that picture was arrested this morning for a different case. He was a wanted suspect for a case of murder, attempted murder as well as a hijacking,” Masondo said.
Masondo said the police are following leads in the security guards case. The guards were shot at point blank range while sitting in their work car near Maponya Mall in Soweto last week Wednesday.
“There are leads but we are still appealing to members of the community to come forward with information or inform the nearest police station,” Masondo said.
The shooting was captured by a camera fitted inside the vehicle.
Man arrested in Klipspruit not linked to murder of security guards, police confirm
The Gauteng police have dismissed the link between a picture of a man being arrested in Klipspruit and the murder of two security guards last week.
The picture, which has been circulating on social media, was purported to be that of a suspect wanted for the murder of the two guards.
Gauteng police spokesperson Captain Mavela Masondo said the picture circulating on social media is that of a suspect who is wanted for murder, attempted murder and hijacking in Honeydew and Mpumalanga.
“We have noticed the information that is making the rounds on social media to say the suspect [in the murder of the security guards] has been arrested, which is not true. The suspects are still at large. The suspect that is in that picture was arrested this morning for a different case. He was a wanted suspect for a case of murder, attempted murder as well as a hijacking,” Masondo said.
Masondo said the police are following leads in the security guards case. The guards were shot at point blank range while sitting in their work car near Maponya Mall in Soweto last week Wednesday.
“There are leads but we are still appealing to members of the community to come forward with information or inform the nearest police station,” Masondo said.
The shooting was captured by a camera fitted inside the vehicle.