Wanatu vehicle seized after driver failed to produce operating licence

The MMC for tTransport in Tshwane has confirmed that they seized one of the e-hailing vehicles for Afrikaans speakers-only – Wanatu after the driver failed to produce an operating licence.
The MMC for tTransport in Tshwane has confirmed that they seized one of the e-hailing vehicles for Afrikaans speakers-only – Wanatu after the driver failed to produce an operating licence.
Image: 123RF/ammentorp

The MMC for transport in Tshwane has confirmed that they seized one of the e-hailing vehicles for Afrikaans speakers – Wanatu -  after the driver failed to produce an operating licence.

One of their vehicles was impounded and they sent their lawyer to make representations in an attempt to get the vehicle released,
Tlangi Mogale

Tlangi Mogale confirmed that the vehicle was seized last week by city officials.

“We recently discovered the company and, upon further investigation, confirmed their operations last week.

“One of their vehicles was impounded and they sent their lawyer to make representations in an attempt to get the vehicle released,” she said.

The company claims it primarily transports children around Centurion.

Mogale said the city has referred the company to the Transport Operating Licence Administrative Board for further assessment. Additionally, the matter has been escalated to the Human Rights Commission “as they only recruit Afrikaans-speaking drivers, which we have made clear is unacceptable,” Mogale added.


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