Customer relieved after termination of decoder contract

So far, analogue has been switched off in the Free-State, Northern Cape, North-West, Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces. Four provinces Gauteng, Western Cape, KZN and Eastern Cape, are yet to complete the migration.
So far, analogue has been switched off in the Free-State, Northern Cape, North-West, Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces. Four provinces Gauteng, Western Cape, KZN and Eastern Cape, are yet to complete the migration.
Image: 123RF/Marco Ciannarel

The headache of a customer who was caught in a TV decoder contract for a device that was not even used is finally over. 

On Air TV said it was finally unsubscribing Litaba Jonas's for its services and refunding him the R98 they have been deducting from his bank account every month since September last year. 

“The decoder has been returned to the warehouse. We are now waiting for a system update to finalise the cancellation. If any debits are processed during this time, rest assured that you will be refunded promptly. We apologise sincerely for any inconvenience caused by this delay,” wrote the company's agent to Jonas last week. 

On its website, the company claims to be a leading premium reseller of DStv decoders.

The decoder has been returned to the warehouse. We are now waiting for a system update to finalise the cancellation. If any debits are processed during this time, rest assured that you will be refunded promptly.

 Jonas took out a contract with the company last year and he was not aware that the decoder requires internet for it to work. He then requested cancellation of the contract and was told that he could only do so once the decoder was returned. However, the company delayed collecting it and continued to bill him every month. 

When Sowetan contacted the company last week, it said it can't release its customer's information as that would be against the Protection of Personal Information Act.

Sowetan wrote about Jonas's plight two weeks ago and the company only collected the device after the story was published. 

“Thanks Sowetan for helping me because this whole thing has been stressing me out and I didn't know where to go because the company was not taking my call or responding to my email,” said Jonas. 


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