Creecy explained that the number of fatalities represents a year-on-year increase of 5.3% (70 more deaths) compared to the 2023/24 festive season, with a 4.2% (50) increase in the number of crashes.
She said the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Free State recorded increases of 70, 54 and 21 fatalities respectively as compared to 2023/24. While Gauteng, Western Cape and Mpumalanga recorded decreases of 76, 23 and 15 fatalities respectively.
Other provinces that demonstrated increases in the number of fatalities in the 2024/25 festive season compared to 2023/24 are Northern Cape Limpopo and North West.
Furthermore, pedestrian fatalities remain a huge concern, with 41% of all road fatalities being pedestrians.
Creecy said 87% of crashes happened because of human behaviour, including hit-and-runs, jay-walking, fatigue, loss of control over vehicles, speed, drunken driving, reckless overtaking.
"The number of people who died on our roads this festive season has increased because people continued to behave badly. In spite of our pleas and warnings, and notwithstanding our efforts to clamp down on irresponsible and reckless behaviour, it is clear that many road users – both drivers and pedestrians – continue to act without regard for the lives of others," said Creecy.
She added that 23,607 fines were issued to drivers who failed to wear seatbelts, while another 16,925 motorists were fined for using cellphones while driving.
"To clamp down on drunken driving, speeding and other moving violations, our officers arrested more than 9,550 motorists, with 3,840 individuals arrested for drunken driving," she said.
Transport minister releases deaths, accident stats over festive season
Image: Supplied
At least 1,502 people died on SA roads during the festive season, said transport minister Barbara Creecy on Monday.
The department recorded 1,234 crashes while 711,184 fines were issued for various traffic offences across the country.
Creecy explained that the number of fatalities represents a year-on-year increase of 5.3% (70 more deaths) compared to the 2023/24 festive season, with a 4.2% (50) increase in the number of crashes.
She said the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Free State recorded increases of 70, 54 and 21 fatalities respectively as compared to 2023/24. While Gauteng, Western Cape and Mpumalanga recorded decreases of 76, 23 and 15 fatalities respectively.
Other provinces that demonstrated increases in the number of fatalities in the 2024/25 festive season compared to 2023/24 are Northern Cape Limpopo and North West.
Furthermore, pedestrian fatalities remain a huge concern, with 41% of all road fatalities being pedestrians.
Creecy said 87% of crashes happened because of human behaviour, including hit-and-runs, jay-walking, fatigue, loss of control over vehicles, speed, drunken driving, reckless overtaking.
"The number of people who died on our roads this festive season has increased because people continued to behave badly. In spite of our pleas and warnings, and notwithstanding our efforts to clamp down on irresponsible and reckless behaviour, it is clear that many road users – both drivers and pedestrians – continue to act without regard for the lives of others," said Creecy.
She added that 23,607 fines were issued to drivers who failed to wear seatbelts, while another 16,925 motorists were fined for using cellphones while driving.
"To clamp down on drunken driving, speeding and other moving violations, our officers arrested more than 9,550 motorists, with 3,840 individuals arrested for drunken driving," she said.
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