African languages to be promoted at all institutions of higher learning

Minister Blade Nzimande.
Minister Blade Nzimande.
Image: Rogan Ward

Minister of higher education and training, science and technology Blade Nzimande has called on all universities to join in the effort for the development of African languages.

Nzimande, who had just referred a revised higher education language policy to the Council for Higher Education, elucidated that the government will ensure that institutions of higher learning perform their role to promote and create conditions  for the development of all South African languages including the Khoi, Nama, San languages as well as sign language.

Nzimande said the purpose of the policy is, among others, to provide a framework for the development and strengthening of all 11 official languages with a particular focus on the development of African languages.

“The policy will contribute to transformation in the post-school education and training sector as a whole by enhancing the status and roles of previously marginalised languages. The policy will also foster institutional inclusivity and social cohesion,” Nzimande said.

In terms of the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997, upon approval by the minister, the final version of the language policy will be published in the government gazette for implementation by all universities.

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