Themba Maseko ready to testify against Zuma and Ajay Gupta

Former CEO of GCIS, Themba Maseko smiles during the second day of his testimony at the state capture commission in Parktown.
Former CEO of GCIS, Themba Maseko smiles during the second day of his testimony at the state capture commission in Parktown.
Image: Masi Losi

Former government communications head Themba Maseko says he’s ready to testify against former president Jacob Zuma and Ajay Gupta in a criminal trial – and has welcomed the Hawks announcement that the case against the pair is under “ongoing” investigation.

Maseko was speaking to this publication  after he completed his evidence in chief at the State Capture Inquiry. He added that he was ready to face cross-examination from the Guptas’ lawyers.

As yet‚ Zuma’s lawyers have not confirmed that they will seek to cross-examine any of the State Capture Inquiry witnesses.

“I’m ready. I’d welcome any cross examination from anyone‚” he said.

Maseko‚ who lost his position a few months after he refused to channel state advertising funds to The New Age newspaper‚ said he believed taking the stand was “worth it”.

The National Prosecuting Authority is currently deciding whether Maseko should be charged over his alleged role in a Public Works contract concluded 13 years ago.

That case was opened against him after he went public with his claims that Zuma had asked him to “help” the Guptas. Maseko says the case is “baseless” and its timing deeply suspicious.

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