Sex abuse scandal rocks EFF's student organisation

04 July 2017 - 16:49
By Lindile Sifile
Picture Credit: eNCA
Picture Credit: eNCA

An alleged woman abuse scandal rocked the EFF's student wing with serious allegations levelled against a member at the University of Johannesburg.

EFF Student Command (EFFSC) at Wits University is accusing a UJ Soweto Campus member, whose identity cannot be disclosed as no criminal case has been opened against him, of physical, sexual and emotional abuse and theft.

The member of the party's student wing is alleged to have committed these abuses on several female students some of which are members of the party. Some Wits EFF members took the matter to social media where the alleged perpetrator was called names and his pictures published.

Yesterday Wits EFFSC deputy secretary Lethuthando Nkosi posted on Facebook that the alleged abuse has been allowed to spread by the leaders.

"We are of the view that the abuse has gone on for long enough and it has to come to an immediate end. In our own branch, multiple women have been the victims of physical, emotional, sexual and spiritual abuse at the hands of people we have come to know as our comrades," wrote Nkosi.

"We have, on countless occasions, asked for the assistance of our male comrades in combating abuse and violence forged towards the body of women both within and outside of our branch with great fail."

She said her branch was distancing itself from UJ EFFSC and called on other EFF structures to discipline the alleged perpetrator.

Nkosi refused to comment on the issue yesterday, directing questions to the branch's deputy chairwoman Othandwayo Mgqoboka.

Mgqoboka said their branch would issue an official statement later this week.

EFFSC national president Peter Keetse said he had seen the social media outrage yesterday and that the alleged abuser has since been taken to Hilbrow police station but no case had been opened.

"The outrage on social media create an image that we were hiding him (the member)... We then tracked him down and took him to the police so that whoever has a case against him can go to the police," he said.