Gwede is no sex doctor: Report

26 January 2016 - 13:56
By Sowetan LIVE

ANC secretary-general Gwede Mantashe has refused to be drawn into a bonking dispute between a mayor and her husband, saying "I won't take his wife to the bedroom for him".

Tshwane businessman, Executive Letshoa had gone to Mantashe to help him get his wife, Jostina Mothibe, who is executive mayor of Madibeng Municipality, back into his bed after accusing her of getting her knickers wet elsewhere.

The construction mogul accused his wife of relegating him to a bystander in his marriage and also destabilising the Madibeng Municipality by giving tenders to her alleged new boyfriend, IT tycoon Justice Maphosa.

In his SMS plea to Mantashe, the dejected husband says: "I was left alone with my kids to struggle alone and also confronted with thugs having guns in my house..."

But Mantashe did not want to get involved and replied: "Why is your tail between legs?"

Letshoa, also an ANC leader in Madibeng, repeated his claim to Sunday World this week that Mothibe was dishing out tenders worth millions to Maphosa.

His SMS to Mantashe reads in part: "The reason why there is havoc in Madibeng she instructed acting MM to award five tenders worth 60 million to one service provider Rueben Nelson. Now when comrades are questioning [they] are confronted by thugs which are paid by her (sic)."

Mantashe told Sunday World this week that as the ANC's secretary-general he did not get involved in members' private lives.