Oscar's lawyers grilled by judges

04 November 2015 - 08:52
By Rdm News Wire

Lawyers in the Oscar Pistorius appeal were grilled by judges who will make the final decision on the Paralympian’s fate‚ the newspaper reported.

Key to whether Pistorius returns to prison as a murderer or remains locked in his uncle’s Pretoria home as a negligent killer‚ are the decisions taken by his trial court judge‚ Thokozile Masipa.

The battle of attrition between prosecutor Gerrie Nel and Pistorius’s lawyer‚ Barry Roux‚ continued on Tuesday in the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein‚ with the state fighting for Pistorius’s acquittal of the 2013 Valentine’s Day murder of his girlfriend‚ Reeva Steenkamp‚ to be overturned.

Masipa found Pistorius guilty last year of culpable homicide.