Senzo Meyiwa's parents know who killed their son

27 March 2015 - 10:34
By Sowetan LIVE

Senzo Meyiwa's parents have revealed in an interview with Drum that they know who killed Senzo.

Ntombifuthi and Sam Meyiwa say they know what really happened the night of Senzo's death and claim that it was not a robbery that took their son's life in Kelly Khumalo's childhood home.

They were reportedly told by one of the people who were in the house that there was a scuffle which broke out and that Senzo was apparently shot by mistake.

However, the Meyiwas are afraid to talk and are unwilling to divulge details of the killer.

"If I were to give you the name of the killer, I would be arrested," said Ntombifuthi Meyiwa.

No arrests have been made to date and police continue to investigate the murder.

According to previous reports the Meyiwas have hired private investigators from Magma Security to assist the police with the case.

Kelly Khumalo told authorities at the time of the shooting that armed robbers stormed the house and Senzo was shot while protecting her. Her story was corroborated by her sister Zandi, Longwe Twala, her mother and two of Senzo's friends.

Khumalo has stated she is unable to speak any further about what happened that night until the investigation is complete.

