No clarity on Jiba's whereabouts

26 March 2015 - 17:11
By Saoa
Advocate Nomgcobo Jiba 
Advocate Nomgcobo Jiba PHOTO: BUSINESS DAY

The NPA would not comment on Thursday on the whereabouts of Deputy National Director of Public Prosecutions (DNDPP) Nomgcobo Jiba.

"I am not in the same block of offices as hers, so I have not seen her today," National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesman Velekhaya Mghobozi said.

He referred Sapa to Jiba's personal assistant, who said Jiba was not available as she was in a meeting.

On Tuesday, the NPA said a summons for Jiba to appear in court on charges of fraud and perjury had been handed to her superior NDPP Mxolisi Nxasana, as she could not be found.

It required her to appear in the Pretoria Regional Court on April 21.

Police on Wednesday denied they were looking for Jiba, and said no summons was issued for her arrest.

Spokesman Lieutenant Solomon Makgale said the NPA "jumped the gun".

"It is our view that the NPA, who are also complainants in the matter, jumped the gun when they issued a summons against advocate Jiba," Makgale said then.

"It is worth mentioning that the issuing of the summons was not done in consultation with the SAPS's investigating officer."

The charges against Jiba relate to her failed bid to lay murder and racketeering charges against suspended KwaZulu-Natal Hawks head Maj-Gen Johan Booysen.

In February last year, Durban High Court Judge Trevor Gorven set aside the charges, saying they did not meet even minimum standards.