Sex workers provide customers with mobile payment options

25 March 2015 - 16:00
By Sowetan LIVE

Sex workers in Harare are tired of being duped out of payment for services rendered and have come up with a solution to receive payment from unreliable customers.

Non-paying clients forced sex workers to rely on mobile payment systems which is mobile technology that uses cellphones to make money transfers.

Street workers now insist that clients pay using EcoCash or Telecash before any sexual services are performed.

According to the prostitutes carry at least two cell-phone lines from different service providers to ensure successful transactions.

"Some clients would pay you before you offer them sexual services and then after we finish they violently demand their money back," said one of the workers.

These sex workers have managed to kill two birds with one stone as it's now much harder for police to ask for bribes after workers are arrested for loitering because money is mostly mobile.

These mobile payment systems have created a better working environment with an increase in productivity and profit.