‘Burst condom’ soldier denies son

21 February 2014 - 16:04
By Sowetanlive

Zimbabwean soldier Obvious Sibanda was dragged to court this week over unpaid child support for a son he denies fathering.

According chronicle.co.zw, Sibanda told the court that he was not the child’s father because he and the mother Ruth Ndlovu had only engaged in safe sex.

“I can’t pay maintenance for this child because he’s not mine. We had protected sex and there’s no way I could have impregnated her,” he reportedly claimed.

Sibanda also demanded a paternity test to reveal who the child’s real father was, adding that  Ndlovu had previously named another man as the father.

“She once approached another man in the neighbourhood and claimed the child was his. Now she wants me to pay maintenance for another man’s child,” Sibanda was quoted saying.

Ndlovu accused Sibanda of lying, telling the court: “He clearly knows that the condom burst and there’s no way he can disown his son.”

The magistrate ordered Sibanda to pay $100 a month for the child until the test is conducted.

“While you raise the money for the paternity test, the child needs to taken care of. I order you to pay $100 per month starting this month.”