Alleged SA drug mule released by Dubai court

31 July 2013 - 10:36
By Sapa

An alleged South African drug mule was acquitted at the weekend after telling a Dubai judge she was not aware of the three kilograms of cocaine in her luggage, Beeld reported on Wednesday.

She reportedly testified in a court in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, that she was aware of parcels in her luggage, but had not known they contained drugs.

The prosecutor had asked the court to jail the woman for 15 years and fine her R550,000, the newspaper reported. The State had 15 days to appeal the ruling.

International relations spokesman Nelson Kgwete reportedly told Beeld the South African consulate in Dubai was not informed about the 31-year-old woman's arrest or court appearance, and had since asked for more information about the case.

Quoting The Gulf News, Beeld reported that the woman was persuasive in court, and swore on the Bible that she had not known about the drugs.

She was reportedly caught while in transit at Dubai International Airport, by a policewoman who thought she seemed suspicious. The drugs were found concealed in the false bottoms of five bags.