Court to hear ANCYL liquidation case

07 June 2013 - 09:29
By Sapa

The High Court in Johannesburg will hear a liquidation application against the ANCYL on Friday.

The African National Congress Youth League has been accused of failing to pay Z2 Presentations CC, trading as University Events Management (UEM), nearly R15 million for its national congress in the Free State in 2008, when its since expelled president Julius Malema was elected.

The sheriff reportedly twice tried to seize ANCYL assets, but found there were none.

In an answering affidavit, African National Congress secretary general Gwede Mantashe said it was a matter of record that the ANCYL's affairs were "shambolic and chaotic".

The UEM's lawyers have argued that the Insolvency Act applies, and that as a result, the ANCYL's affairs could be wound up.

A trustee needed to be appointed to establish where the ANCYL's assets were, since it was an organisation with numerous members, who paid annual fees, and which received donations.