Councillor accused of being a child molester

08 October 2012 - 15:37
By Thando Mgaga, Avusa Media

A Kwazulu-Natal councillor, who is alleged to be behind a string of indecent assaults on young girls, is being criminally investigated after the family of his latest victim refused to accept an "apology"

The Richmond municipality ANC councillor, whose name is known but not being made public as yet, is being investigated for allegedly fondling the private parts of a 12-year-old girl in his ward in the small town near Pietermaritzburg.

The girl's parents, who cannot be named to protect the child, allege that the police are dragging their feet in bringing the councillor to justice.

The alleged assault - which is said to have taken place in May - has left the young girl severely traumatised.

The mother said the alleged assault took place when her daughter went to play with friends.

She said the councillor, who was apparently drunk at the time, "complimented" her daughter before allegedly making inappropriate remarks, lifting her skirt and fondling her.

"He said to her 'come here, you are nice and soft' and then touched her private parts. I don't know what he wants with my child. I want him to go to jail for what he did to my child," the mother said.

The girl, who is unable to sleep and is suffering from recurring nightmares, is undergoing counselling.

The mother alleged that it was not the first time the councillor had inappropriately touched her daughter.

"He did it in 2008 when my daughter was eight, but when we confronted him he denied it," she said.

The police confirmed that the case was being investigated though no arrests had been made yet.

Meanwhile the councillor denies the allegations, saying the accusations are being made by people who are jealous of his community work.

"I did no such thing," the councillor said.
