MEC Mazibuko ordered to apologise to Lorimer

13 June 2012 - 08:59
By Olebogeng MolatlhwaPolitical Reporter

GAUTENG Community Safety MEC Faith Mazibuko has been forced to swallow her words.

The usually boisterous Mazibuko was deflated yesterday when Speaker of the provincial legislature - Lindiwe Maseko - reprimanded her for a comment she made about DA community safety spokeswoman Kate Lorimer earlier this year.

Maseko instructed Mazibuko to issue an apology to Lorimer as well as to members of the legislature for remarks which were deemed "unparliamentary" and a personal attack against the DA politician.

The opposition party lodged a complaint with the Speaker after Mazibuko remarked that Lorimer lied and cheated in her exams while at school.

Mazibuko made the remark about Lorimer in March after she had quizzed her about whether police had received instructions to downplay certain domestic violence cases.

While handing down her ruling yesterday, Maseko indicated that Mazibuko refuted the allegation and in turn accused Lorimer of having heard about the allegations from a fellow DA member of the provincial legislature.

In reprimanding Mazibuko, the Speaker discouraged members against making personal remarks against each other.

"By inferring that (Lorimer) lied and even cheated during her exams at school, honourable Mazibuko impugned on member Lorimer's integrity," said Maseko.

Mazibuko sheepishly stood up and offered a brief apology to Lorimer.

Meanwhile, premier Nomvula Mokonyane tabled her Budget vote for the current financial year.

Mokonyane announced that her office would be allocated R236734-million, up from R228.7m the previous year.

The premier said the increased Budget would "play a key role in ensuring that the priorities of the office of the premier as well as the key focus (areas) are effectively implemented".

However, DA caucus leader in the legislature, Jack Bloom, dismissed the increased allocation as "a poor example for the provincial government departments".

In a statement, Bloom said: "This year's budget is (R236.7) but last year her office underspent by R22m (which was) 10% of the Budget."

Bloom rubbished Mokonyane's Budget, pointing out that the premier had spent "R1.7m in interest costs because (of) court orders in medical negligence cases were paid late".