Kodwa off the hook

23 December 2011 - 02:43
By Sapa
Off the hook: Zizi Kodwa's drunk driving case has been  dropped PHOTO: SIBUSISO MSIBI
Off the hook: Zizi Kodwa's drunk driving case has been dropped PHOTO: SIBUSISO MSIBI

THE drunk driving case against presidential adviser Zizi Kodwa was withdrawn in the Hillbrow Magistrate's Court yesterday.

A senior public prosecutor said blood alcohol level tests showed there was no alcohol in Kodwa's system at the time of his arrest in Rosebank at about 3am on November 11.

It was decided there was no case against him.

His lawyer, Gugulethu Madlanga, said Kodwa, who did not appear in court yesterday, intended suing the officials who arrested him, Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa, and acting police commissioner Lieutenant General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi for R5-million in the new year.

He said Kodwa was " considering increasing the amount". Kodwa expressed his views on social media site Twitter on Tuesday.

"Blood sample results are back, alcohol in my blood: ZERO, I told them ba ny**le ngekhe ndibayeke [They are in sh**, I won't let it go]," he tweeted.

Last week Kodwa said: "I want to clear my name. They [the blood tests] will come out negative. I have no doubt about that. It's not about my role in the presidency. It's about my reputation. I want to protect South Africans from abuse of authority by police officers."

Kodwa said he believed his arrest was about a "bribe not paid". He had been scheduled to face the drunk driving charge at the same court on May 11.