Malema goes for Zuma's ties to Gupta family

28 February 2011 - 08:18
By Sapa

THOSE in power must not abuse their office to benefit their friends and immediate family, says ANC Youth League president Julius Malema

"This democracy is not a democracy of families. This is a democracy of the people of this country...

"We cannot sit back while families enrich themselves in the name of freedom," Malema said at the launch of the ANC's 2011 election manifesto at the Royal Bafokeng Stadium in Rustenburg yesterday.

Reports surfaced recently about lucrative mining deals entered into by President Jacob Zuma's son Duduzane and the Gupta family.

Malema also urged ANC members to vote for the party irrespective of whether they approved of the councillor it selected.

"Whether you like the face or not (of the councillor)... as long as next to that face is the emblem of the ANC, you must vote for that face," he said.

Zuma sat behind Malema as he delivered the ANCYL's message of support.