Root out all corrupt cops, says Mbalula

12 August 2010 - 09:07
By Katlego Moeng

DEPUTY Minister of Police Fikile Mbalula has condemned senior policemen who are friends with known criminals and has promised to root them out.

"A friend of a criminal is a criminal by association. Our commissioner should have known better (than to be seen associating with alleged criminals). If it means we will not be friends if we tell the truth, then so be it."

Mbalula was reacting to articles and photographs that Sowetan published three weeks ago of retired Gauteng police commissioner Perumal Naidoo attending a party hosted by alleged Hillbrow Mafia boss Alan Kukard and his underworld associates.

Kukard owns the notorious Hillbrow Inn and Maxime Hotel brothels in Hillbrow, among other such places.

"We are today fighting the image that police are dirty. People do not trust police officers. In society perception is important. It speaks to reality," Mbalula said.

"We know criminals have taken cover under some popular people and people of the law. Do you mean to say that out of 48million people in South Africa you cannot find friends of good standing?

"It is well-known that Hillbrow Inn is a den of drugs, prostitution and exploitation of women. These things are illegal in South Africa. So it is disastrous for an officer to associate with them.

"For a police officer to say he-she did not know is scandalous. It's treacherous."

He also took a swipe at former national police chief Jackie Selebi, to illustrate Naidoo's lack of judgement.

"Today we have a situation in which an officer is jailed and a dangerous criminal is walking free. What a disgrace.

"How dare you call yourself a police officer and yet associate with such people? We cannot preach that police are role models in communities and then do this (be seen with people that our communities are crying about).

"Our families do not trust that if they report a case, it will not come back to haunt them, that they will not be victimised. People say police officers are dirty and untrustworthy," Mbalula said.

He singled out the leadership of Hillbrow police station as examples of dirty officers. Its former station commander was fired from the police for his alleged involvement in an airport heist.

Now its acting commander, Koos van Rhyn, is being fingered for his relationship with Kukard.

"A lot of corruption comes out of that station," he said.

Mbalula said Naidoo must at some point say sorry.

"I think it would be the decent thing to do," he said.

He said the biggest challenge for him, Minister Nathi Mthethwa and General Bheki Cele, was to leave a legacy for the current administration of "rooting out all corrupt officers and creating a police force free of corruption and one that will fight crime smarter.

"We want well-trained and highly skilled officers who will arrest and get criminals convicted.

"Police morale is also very important. Our officers have to feel that communities appreciate the work they do.

"I'm confident that we are on track. There are no criminals that can out-fire us right now. I'm happy with the work General Cele is doing - rooting out the bad apples" he said.