
15 July 2010 - 14:38
By Sowetan

Your Stars Foretell 15 July 2010

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

Financial expenditure at this time could include planned and unplanned things and among the latter might be the repair or replacement of a vital electrical or mechanical item.

(Phone 083-914-0501)


TAURUS: April 21 - May 21

You are reminded that poor diet and lack of physical exercise can cause enormous health problems. The time is at hand for you to have a medical check-up; and to commence a new lifestyle based on the counsel of a qualified advisor.

(Phone 083-914-0502)


GEMINI: May 21 - June 22

A spell in which your sporting and social involvements could subject you to a lot of extra expenditure. You might deem the joy and pleasure to be worth the outlay yet will probably have to bite the financial bullet for quite a while.

(Phone 083-914-0503)


CANCER: June 22 - July 23

A temporary financial setback seems to be in store for you. Somebody's promise will not materialise; thereby denying you expected income. A poor run in business could force you to postpone a procedure you are very keen to implement.

(Phone 083-914-0504)


LEO: July 23 - August 24

Do not allow modern life to become your enemy by remaining ignorant of advances and developments. You must change with the times; must keep up to date in every possible way so as to become an important player and to enjoy your life.

(Phone 083-914-0505)


VIRGO: Aug 24 - Sep 23

Do not give up. Keep that message firmly in mind as you struggle through this difficult period. Life is not always easy and this is when your effort should be doubled. The good news is that unobstructed progress follows this interval.

(Phone 083-914-0506)


LIBRA: Sep 23 - Oct 23

You may be abandoned, in a manner of speaking, by somebody who is usually close to you but who currently disagrees with what you have planned or are suggesting. You will have to make a huge compromise to avoid a severe clash of views.

(Phone 083-914-0507)


SCORPIO: Oct 23 - Nov 23

Prayer is your safety valve otherwise you may let off steam in ways that are unbecoming and destructive. You will soon have cause for worry if you surrender to escapism. Do not in any circumstances bite off more than you can chew.

(Phone 083-914-0508)


SAGITTARIUS: Nov 23 - Dec 22

Do not start worrying when trouble comes along, as it surely will during this inharmonious cycle; rather prepare yourself to tackle it methodically because you can overcome it.

(Phone 083-914-0509)


CAPRICORN: Dec 22 - Jan 21

In order to achieve elevated personal status and social distinction, you have to lay out money. This is something you might deem to be necessary right now. However, you are advised to give considerably more thought to all expenditure.

(Phone 083-914-0510)


AQUARIUS: Jan 21 - Feb 20

Look at your problem or difficulty with perfect calm. You must assess it correctly so as to resolve it satisfactorily. You do not want to fall beside the pathway when timely adjustments and changes could set you on the right track.

(Phone 083-914-0511)


PISCES: Feb 20 - March 21

Supposing you have been subjected to a bit too much family conditioning, this is when it could have a particularly detrimental influence on your prospects. You may not manage to break free from it in time to take a choice opportunity.

(Phone 083-914-0512)