Giraffes are not mute animals

25 August 2009 - 02:00
By unknown

MOST people think the giraffe is mute, but they do have larynxes, or voice boxes. But compared with other animals a giraffe's larynx is not very well developed. Sometimes giraffes will grunt, bleat or make other soft sounds.

MOST people think the giraffe is mute, but they do have larynxes, or voice boxes. But compared with other animals a giraffe's larynx is not very well developed. Sometimes giraffes will grunt, bleat or make other soft sounds.

Giraffes in zoos have been heard to moo. Females sometimes moo when they are caring for their calves.

Baby giraffes will sometimes make a noise when they are hungry, but it is unusual for them to make any noise.;;