Spell it out

06 April 2009 - 02:00
By unknown

The sooner Thabo Mbeki and the ANC cut out the pretence, the better.

The sooner Thabo Mbeki and the ANC cut out the pretence, the better.

Relations between Mbeki and the party he has given more than five decades to have been estranged, to put it mildly. Mbeki has been conspicuously absent from many of the ANC's events, such as the party's birthday. He has also refused to help it in its elections campaign.

Many in the ruling alliance openly call Mbeki Cope's Dalai Lama. Though nobody has openly said so, it is an open secret that there are many in the party who want to see Mbeki disciplined or even expelled for what they see as undermining the ANC's leadership or refusing to disassociate himself with their party's opponents.