Let us agree to disagree

13 March 2009 - 02:00
By unknown

I have always thought of South Africans as people who are politically mature and advanced, but I've been proved wrong.

I have always thought of South Africans as people who are politically mature and advanced, but I've been proved wrong.

This is so because since the formation of Cope, friendships, relationships and normal interactions with acquaintances have been affected or ceased to exist. We are so politically immature that once my friend, relative or even girlfriend becomes a member of Cope, I despise him or her.

Some comrades have a misguided belief that once one joins Cope, then he has abandoned the ANC. They never even bother to enquire if one was ever a registered member of the ANC or just a sympathiser who votes for the ANC?

There are no public debates or engagements in public places for fear of victimisation once one expresses a view contrary to the ruling party's. This is mainly because the ANC has long abandoned the political schools that nurtured youth on political education.

There are a lot of the opportunistic so-called senior ANC leaders who jumped on the party bandwagon, but are politically bankrupt.

Let us agree to disagree as politicians, without being labelled as sell-outs. In that way we'll build a better future for all because if we agree for the sake of being seen to be united, we are killing this country.

Mtura ka Mhaga, Gauteng