ANC has failed, but will still win most votes

13 March 2009 - 02:00
By unknown

The ANC will most probably win the April elections with a two-thirds majority again. The majority of South Africans still have a strong emotional bond with this party and as in most abusive relationships, they will rather stick with the devil they know.

The ANC will most probably win the April elections with a two-thirds majority again. The majority of South Africans still have a strong emotional bond with this party and as in most abusive relationships, they will rather stick with the devil they know.

The ANC has failed our country in many ways and their relentless battering is more metaphorical and figurative. The education system has failed, public hospitals are a disgrace, people are dying of cholera and Aids, home affairs is a shambles and now even our water is becoming unsafe to drink. Not to mention the Eskom fiasco, roads that are falling apart, crime that is out of control and the pathetic management of Zimbabwean refugees fleeing to South Africa.

It's all such a terrible tragedy, but like sheep waiting to be led to the sacrificial altar, voters will once again vote for the ANC. They believe the empty promises as they lie hungry in their crowded, hot shacks, relieving themselves in smelly makeshift toilets, walking in the heat for miles for water, living off meagre state grants.

The BEE, Hummer and whiskey cognoscenti will also vote for the ANC, which has looked after them very nicely.

But the poor are mostly victims of an education system designed to keep them uneducated so that they can be manipulated and fooled by the ANC. Not a dream deferred. A dream shattered.

Herman Lategan, Sea Point