Oil is from plants

15 December 2008 - 02:00
By unknown

Rosemary Williams would like to know where oil comes from. Scientists agree that oil was formed from the remains of tiny plants and animals that lived in the seas millions of years ago. When these tiny creatures died they were buried in the many layers of rocks. Over many years the substances in their bodies changed to become oil. Other scientists believe that oil was formed from the carbon-containing materials that were trapped inside rocks when earth was created. - Encyclopedia of Questions and Answers, Bounty Books

Rosemary Williams would like to know where oil comes from. Scientists agree that oil was formed from the remains of tiny plants and animals that lived in the seas millions of years ago. When these tiny creatures died they were buried in the many layers of rocks. Over many years the substances in their bodies changed to become oil. Other scientists believe that oil was formed from the carbon-containing materials that were trapped inside rocks when earth was created. - Encyclopedia of Questions and Answers, Bounty Books