DJ Cleo should work on his taste buds

19 November 2008 - 02:00
By unknown

Your article on November 6, "DJ Cleo does the milk-taste test", refers.

Your article on November 6, "DJ Cleo does the milk-taste test", refers.

Cleo is a fantastic DJ and a hot producer but his taste buds could do with some work. He said Pick n Pay's full cream milk tasted watery and he preferred the Dewfresh brand.

He said: "This milk tastes fresh and creamy and lacks the flatness of all the other varieties. It is sweet and good and sure to give you healthy bones and teeth."

The Pick n Pay milk and Dewfresh milk come from the same facility and the same production line. In short, it's exactly the same milk.

Tamra Veley, Pick n Pay, Cape Town