Lower wattage saves money

11 April 2008 - 02:00
By unknown

Watts are standard units of power. A kilowatt is 1000 watt and a megawatt is 1 million watt.

Watts are standard units of power. A kilowatt is 1000 watt and a megawatt is 1 million watt.

Household incandescent bulbs use between 40watt and 120 watt, but the new money- saving low-energy fluorescent bulbs use between 9 watt and 20watt. A toaster, a small electric heater or a household iron uses about 1000watt, or 1kilowatt, written as 1kW.

Large buildings might use millions of watts of power, or megawatts. Eskom's power stations produce between 100MW and 5000MW.