If you want to sell tiles and carpets

21 February 2008 - 02:00
By unknown

Here are some tips for people who want to tap into the tile and carpet business.

Here are some tips for people who want to tap into the tile and carpet business.

Educate yourself and find out everything about the business. It is a good idea to find a job at an established tile and carpet company because this will enable you to get the much-needed experience you will require.

Once you are armed with experience, identify all the resources you will need to start your business. Compile an inventory because start-up costs will be high.

Find a good spot on a busy street. Strip malls and office parks are ideal locations.

Contact your local municipality to find out about licences and other regulations. Also enquire about any other requirements for opening a tile and carpet business. You might need insurance and there might be restrictions about operating in certain areas. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Be sure about whether you want to buy into a franchise or start an independent business. Buying an existing business is much easier, but it might also be a lot more expensive.

It is vital to draw up a business plan and make sure that the information covers the business for the short- and the long-term.

You will need substantial finance and if you do not have your own capital you must start looking for finance. As with any business, check out the best rates from banks and other financial institutions.

When it comes to hiring staff, you must make sure that you employ people who are qualified and who know what they are doing.