Disfiguring history

26 June 2007 - 02:00
By unknown

Historically, changing names of landmarks during a transitional era to signify a change of regime has been difficult.

Historically, changing names of landmarks during a transitional era to signify a change of regime has been difficult.

The process is invariably highly strained with the disagreeable parties unwilling to compromise in most cases.

The crunch time comes when the losing party feels a decision to rename landmarks has been rammed down their throats. The most difficult part comes when a consultative process is termed insufficient by the same party.

But for anyone to turn to thuggish methods to make their point - as happened in Potchefstroom, where anarchists have removed new street name signs in recent weeks - is deplorable.

Nelson Mandela Rylaan was defaced to read "Dela Rylaan".

The irony is that this flies in the face of the courageous legacy of General De la Rey.