Stop bickering and fight crime

06 March 2007 - 02:00
By unknown

Malala on Monday refers.

Malala on Monday refers.

It was indeed refreshing to read an article like the one this week, in which Justice Malala encourages the nation to stop fighting and adding to the problems that are engulfing the nation.

We appreciate the fact that he is tired of fighting President Thabo Mbeki and others on a plethora of issues.

Indeed, crime must be tackled from all corners and we cannot stress enough that the comments by the Minister of Defence and the Minister of Safety and Security do not help at all.

We are all South Africans working towards a common goal, which is reachable and possible.

If we could overcome apartheid, what is stopping us from pooling all our resources and fighting crime together? If not for us, then for our children's sake?

The president of South Africa must listen to the people. We have learnt that where there is smoke, there must be fire. The people's concerns must be addressed as soon as possible without political point-scoring.

This is not an issue for the ruling party to ponder as though they decide on it unilaterally.

We must all contribute and simultaneously address the sub-issues of crime itself.

Banyamme Pebane-SebogaPretoria