Rights group must explain

25 January 2007 - 02:00
By unknown

Is the Yengeni-SPCA thing about finding something wrong so that Tony Yengeni can be taken back to jail, or is it about undermining our culture?

Is the Yengeni-SPCA thing about finding something wrong so that Tony Yengeni can be taken back to jail, or is it about undermining our culture?

I think the SPCA owes us Africans some explanations about its intentions. Each and every race has its ways of following its culture and for us, as Africans, our slaughtering of an animal is a way of connecting with our ancestors.

I think this is another white tactic to undermine us . My advice to the SPCA is to go to the townships and collect all the stray dogs and cats and leave our culture alone.

Brian Majane Bogopa
