Financial health is important for peace of mind and stability. Prioritise your finances by initiating simple changes such as understanding where your money is going. Live slightly below your means so that you are able to save money to invest elsewhere. When it comes to investing, thoroughly research all investment vehicles out there so you know exactly what you are getting yourself into. Should you need any financial advice and assistance, speak to a financial advisor.
Inner peace is our inner anchor for whenever we face life’s unexpected blows. It allows you to be in harmony with the truth that you are safe and loved. Take time out to think about the people who care about you and the people you care about.
Make use of every opportunity to show yourself kindness by prioritising your self-care and of release yourself from burdensome tasks. By looking inwards, we draw on our inner strength and begin to embrace hope. Focus your energy on what you can control and relinquish yourself of any responsibility that is out of your hands.
Before you write-off 2020 as the worse year of your life, make sure that you are reading the story you are telling yourself. Try stepping back to analyse the situation and assess whether you are telling yourself the truth. In doing so you are able to change your perception of that disappointment and view it as a humbling life experience.
Reassure yourself by focusing on your wins. Doing so does not neglect reality but it leads you to become grateful and thankful for what you have. The biggest wins of 2020 is life, good health and family. The second win is knowing that you are not alone.
South Africans should prepare for unpredictability in 2021
Good mental health key at this time
Image: 123RF
We end the year on a pensive tone with the unpredictability of 2021 dampening any prospect of a happy new year. Many people are in the process of making preparations for serenity as we enter into the abyss. Incorporate these tips into your planning to ensure that your overall wellness is cared for.
Ensure that you and your family are mentally prepared to weather whatever lies ahead. What 2020 has emphasised for us all is that if you need help, please seek it. Speak to your medical scheme advisor to see if they cover mental health care programmes.
This will alleviate any financial burden whilst you and the family receive the much needed assistance. Meditation apps also allow you to carve out a space to rest and centre yourself at your own time.
Create new family traditions by incorporating tasks and themes for the family to honour the memory of the departed. If they were known to make a delicious dish for Christmas lunch, host a friendly family competition trying to recreate it. Visit the places that they loved to go to and celebrate their birthday at their favourite restaurant, sharing memories with one another.
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Financial health is important for peace of mind and stability. Prioritise your finances by initiating simple changes such as understanding where your money is going. Live slightly below your means so that you are able to save money to invest elsewhere. When it comes to investing, thoroughly research all investment vehicles out there so you know exactly what you are getting yourself into. Should you need any financial advice and assistance, speak to a financial advisor.
Inner peace is our inner anchor for whenever we face life’s unexpected blows. It allows you to be in harmony with the truth that you are safe and loved. Take time out to think about the people who care about you and the people you care about.
Make use of every opportunity to show yourself kindness by prioritising your self-care and of release yourself from burdensome tasks. By looking inwards, we draw on our inner strength and begin to embrace hope. Focus your energy on what you can control and relinquish yourself of any responsibility that is out of your hands.
Before you write-off 2020 as the worse year of your life, make sure that you are reading the story you are telling yourself. Try stepping back to analyse the situation and assess whether you are telling yourself the truth. In doing so you are able to change your perception of that disappointment and view it as a humbling life experience.
Reassure yourself by focusing on your wins. Doing so does not neglect reality but it leads you to become grateful and thankful for what you have. The biggest wins of 2020 is life, good health and family. The second win is knowing that you are not alone.
#YouthKeStarring campaign to tackle health and mental wellbeing via social media
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