Control your impulses

14 November 2016 - 18:04
By Karabo Disetlhe-Mtshayelo

We as human beings like to believe that we are in control of our actions. This is the reason some people say that our self-control abilities are what makes us distinct from animals.

But what if we had impulses that we could not control?

While some people have the innate impulse control that prevents them from shopping until they drop, or not being able to steal, the truth is that for some people, this seemingly easy decision to do the right thing may be completely out of control.

For some people, they have impulse control disorders, which make them not to be able to resist their urges.

While most people may see it as an excuse to make wrong choices, psychiatrist Poppy Motene highlights some of these impulse control disorders.

"In my experience, getting someone diagnosed with an impulse control disorder is often difficult, because of the lack of education about the disorder itself.

"Most people often think that the person is generally wild and naughty and spend years either reprimanding them for their behaviour or shaming them about it. Very rarely do people think that there could be anotherlogical explanation for why someone is unable to control their impulses, and seek professional help. This can often leave people with impulse control disorders isolated and misunderstood," she says.

Motene explains that while the general causes of impulse control disorders is generally unknown, there may be a few factors that contribute to someone having an impulse control disorder.

"Mental illness may be a primary factor in contributing to one having an impulse control disorder. Genes also play a role, as we have found that impulse control disorder sufferers may actually pass on the condition to their children, and have the cycle continue," Motene says.

"This is the reason it is vital to know when you have an impulse control disorder, so you may seek treatment as soon as possible. Impulse control disorders can be controlled with the help of medication and therapy."

Motene delves into different types of impulse control disorders and their characteristics.

Skin Picking

"This is more common than most people actually think. Some people will pick at their skin obsessively, until they bleed. Others will pick at an existing wound and the scabs to get it to be open again and bleed. This often results in horrible scarring, and the sufferer being subjected to self-esteem issues as a result of their own doing," Motene explains.


"Kleptomania can be defined as an uncontrollable desire to steal. It is probably one of the most misunderstood forms of impulse control disorders because people think that stealing is a selfish, bad thing to do that automatically classifies one as a thief.

"But the difference between a criminal and a person who has an impulse control disorder is that a thief often steals for personal gain, where they actually enjoy the rewards of the item they stole.

"The person may steal items they do not necessarily need, or even steal items that they can afford. An example may be someone walking into a convenient store with their purse full of money and steal a useless item like a pack of candles for example, when they have no immediate need for them," she says.

Compulsive shopping

"There is firstly a huge difference between people who are reckless with their spending, and someone who suffers from an impulse to shop incessantly.

"Usually, people without an impulse disorder are lovers of the finer things in life and will do anything to acquire them, even if they go broke in the process.

"In contrast, someone with an impulse disorder to shop will go out of their way to buy things they may not need, and often result in feelings of guilt and depression as a result.

"They may even see their social lives affected by their desperate need to shop, where for example they would rather be late to work because they need to first stop by the mall. After acquiring the items, most impulsive shoppers will actually give the items away, or hoard the items without having used them."

Pathological lying

"Once again, it is one of the most misunderstood disorders under the impulse control disorders, because most people do not understand how lying could be an excessive problem.

"Most people who lie compulsively do not do it to get away with wrong doing, but instead lie about almost anything, even in situations that do not warrant a lie."