How to pimp your smile

22 June 2016 - 13:42
By Karabo Disetlhe-Mtshayelo
DENTAL PROCEDURE: Oral hygiene can take on a cosmetic component with some people wishing to whiten their teeth or straighten naturally crooked teeth 
      photos: istock
DENTAL PROCEDURE: Oral hygiene can take on a cosmetic component with some people wishing to whiten their teeth or straighten naturally crooked teeth photos: istock

If you have ever watched a TV programme like Embarrassing Bodies, you'll be aware of the extremes people will go to have the perfect body, including the most perfect smile.

Some would even be in an operating room with drills, pumps and strange equipment that at first glance would deceive anyone watching into thinking they were having heart surgery.

For some, locally, the condition of our teeth is not of critical importance. Many people tolerate a chipped tooth and discoloration here and there.

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This is understandable when considering how cosmetically fixing teeth can be a costly exercise.

Even Oprah Winfrey said that when you start making money, you should fix your teeth.

There are many procedures available to give you the perfect smile. Dental technician Ntakaso Tshabalala speaks about these procedures.

Tshabalala explains exactly what a dental technician does : "We are basically the unsung heroes of dentistry. Dentists basically evaluate your mouth - take measurements and moulds - but we actually design the veneers and dentures. We determine the correct whitening of veneers and basically assist the dentist in getting you the desired result."

Tshabalala took us through some dental woes and how to correct them.


While the idealistic colour of teeth is crystal white, the unfortunate truth is that some people simply have yellow (or a discoloration of their) teeth.

Tshabalala explains: "Teeth staining has different categories. The staining can be what we call intrinsic, extrinsic or be the result of ageing.

"With intrinsic staining, it is often caused by too much exposure to fluoride during childhood.

"With extrinsic staining, the enamel of the tooth would be stained because of spicy food, wine, coffee and, yes, smoking."

Tshabalala says with ageing, teeth staining can be the result of a combination of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

"Remember, as you age, enamel gets thinner and make[s] it easier for stains to be more prevalent. This is why it it essential to have a good dental structure throughout your life."


"For smoking stains, scaling and polishing (teeth cleaning) should be fine. When it comes to brown teeth, options for improvement include bleaching," he says.

"There are some very good over-the-counter whitening products on the market that could assist with teeth whitening. However, one should [be aware of the side-effects of] DIY teeth-whitening products in the long run, as most of them contain peroxide as the main ingredient. It can destroy teeth enamel structure over time if use is prolonged.

"My recommendation is to rather visit a dentist for professional teeth whitening."


Some people have often complained about their gold tooth falling out, leaving them with a chipped or half-tooth that is not very appealing.


"In the case of a chipped tooth, composite fillings can be used for restoration. Crowns can also be another option to fix the damaged tooth," Tshabalala says.


Unfortunately, not everyone is born with perfectly aligned, straight teeth. Some people have teeth that are on top of each other, some teeth are larger than others, while other teeth stick out more than others.


"There are [some] options available for crooked teeth," Tshabalala says. "For one, braces, which are metal brackets bonded permanently on your teeth to straighten them over time. For a more natural look, porcelain braces are also available. They are similar to metal braces, but they take on the colour of your teeth so as to not make it so obvious that you are wearing braces.

"There is also the option of Invisalign, which is a clear plastic aligner designed to improve your teeth alignment in the mouth."


Tshabalala says people can have veneers fitted to improve their smile.


"Many people often think that 'false teeth' or dentures are the only option to a missing tooth problem.

"Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that match the colour of your existing teeth or your desired colour that will improve appearance of teeth shape, size and length," he says.

"The difference between dentures and veneers is that dentures (or false teeth) are removable, and are made to restore missing anterior (front teeth) or posterior (back teeth) and to improve oral function and aesthetics.

"Veneers improve the aesthetics mainly on anterior teeth, and are cemented permanently with a special bonding cement."