Turn your bathroom into an escape space

21 March 2015 - 09:31
By SA Home Owner
SOOTHING EFFECT: The bathroom is  becoming a space for sensual experiences   Photo: THINKSTOCK
SOOTHING EFFECT: The bathroom is becoming a space for sensual experiences Photo: THINKSTOCK

IF YOU love bright shades of colour in your home, then you should find the idea of colour in the form of lighting - especially in the bathroom - quite appealing.

It is commonly accepted that specific colours can have a soothing effect or evoke "happy emotions" on the senses - so a combination of water, colour and lighting could be the answer to the ultimate relaxation destination in your home.

This can be achieved through chromotherapy.

Chromotherapy, also known as colour therapy, uses different forms of lighting and dates back to the ancient Egyptian era.

Research reveals that Egyptians used solariums specially built with different-coloured glass, which captured and reflected light onto a patient suffering from a particular illness, with specific therapeutic benefits.

Other examples of chromotherapy involved using different colours of silk material to filter different shades of light onto their bodies; as well as using coloured waters and gels to achieve the same benefits.

The concept of chromotherapy is relatively untapped in South Africa, however is gradually growing in popularity.

One colour therapist describes chromotherapy as a simple, subtle yet powerful way to relieve stress and energise the body, heart, mind and soul.

She explains that colour is a powerful form of self-expression.

The bathroom plays an integral part in the home, as it provides a space where you can recuperate and indulge at your leisure; and it can be a place of healing as well.

These rooms are often regarded as a place to relax after a long day's work; and by choosing the "right" colours for your bathroom, you can turn it into an escape space where the body and mind can become still and relaxed.

We often find coloured lighting such as blues and whites in the bathroom, especially in spa baths and showers, as these colours symbolise peace and tranquillity.

However, other colours are also emerging, such as pinks and purples.

An important factor to consider when choosing coloured lighting for your bathroom is to be conscious of the effect that a particular colour has on your psyche - take note of any sensations in your body, or even feelings or thoughts when you are in the presence of a particular colour. For instance, blue is said to help you relax and be calm; red is associated with energy and passion; while pink helps to restore youthfulness and brings you in contact with your feelings.

There has certainly been a shift in the way that the bathroom is viewed, and with advancing technology, the days where it was used simply for hygienic purposes are long gone.

The bathroom is becoming a space for sensual experiences - with smart technology and lighting concepts being used where they support comfort or wellbeing.

Create a cool and calm atmosphere in your bathroom by using chromotherapy through well thought-out coloured lighting - a trend that is sure to grow in the coming years.