A note for all the mothers

28 August 2014 - 11:54
By Ps Tumo Marabe

Proverbs 31:18b "and her lamp does not go out by night"

Thank you for carrying me for nine months and then risking your life bringing me into this world; I love you more than you will ever know.

Thank you for raising in accordance with my gifting and not imposing your preferences on me, no matter how many opportunities you had to do so; I respect you more than you can ever imagine.

Thank you for allowing me to make my own choices, and follow my heart, when you could have quenched the fire in my spirit; I honour you from the depth of my being.

Thank you for consistently modelling courage, confidence, perseverance, tenacity and compassion, even when it was not convenient to do so. I hold you in higher esteem than all my teachers put together.

Thank you for supporting my decision to marry who I want; I see so much of you in her.

Thank you for having faith, hope and love in abundance, and for praying to God in my hearing. Because of you I know God and therefore have hope.

Thank you for not letting your lamp go out. Happy women's month.