While some sympathised with him and encouraged the actor to just invite close friends and fam, others saw this as the perfect opportunity to set the record straight.
They are inviting themselves to the wedding, like it or not.
They joked that as soon as they see a tent, they will be heading over with the gifts and a skaftin.
If we see a tent, we're coming! - Fans invite themselves to Somizi & Mohale’s wedding
Image: Via Somizi's Instagram
As Mohale and Somizi prepare for their special day, fans have told the couple that they are coming to the wedding whether they're invited or not.
Mohale has been sharing snippets of his wedding prep with fans and this week took to Twitter to share his annoyance with people who wanted to come to the wedding but don't even know him.
While some sympathised with him and encouraged the actor to just invite close friends and fam, others saw this as the perfect opportunity to set the record straight.
They are inviting themselves to the wedding, like it or not.
They joked that as soon as they see a tent, they will be heading over with the gifts and a skaftin.
One person who is definitely on the invite list for the December wedding is president Cyril Ramaphosa.
The couple invited Mzansi's number one when they accompanied Somizi's mother, Mary Twala, to her National Order of Ikhamanga in silver ceremony in April.
The ceremony will be one of two planned for the couple.
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