Hollywood stars blast NSA surveillance

25 October 2013 - 09:33
By Sapa dpa

A raft of Hollywood stars have added their voices to the international outcry against digital surveillance by the US National Security Agency.

Director Oliver Stone and actors John Cusack, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Wil Wheaton were among those appearing in the public service announcement released Thursday by the advocacy group the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The video is part of an effort to build support for anti-spying efforts ahead of a major march called Stop Watching Us, planned for Saturday in Washington. It comes as international concern grows even among close US allies, fuelled by suspicion that the NSA tried to eavesdrop on the cellphone calls of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

On the video, Stone warns that the surveillance system fails to distinguish between legitimate targets and ordinary citizens.

"Every American is at risk for getting caught up in the NSA dragnet," Stone says in the 3-minute, 26-second spot.

Cusack says: "The tools for surveillance have never been more powerful, and the threat to our civil liberties have never been greater."