Lady Gaga cares about her fans, and her home city

08 November 2012 - 10:51
By Bang Showbiz

Lady Gaga sent burgers and fries to her Brazilian fans camped outside her hotel. And, she's announced a major donation to those affected by the hurricane in the US

Lady Gaga has donated $1 million to help victims of hurricane Sandy.

The 'Born This Way' singer announced she was making the generous donation on behalf of her family to boost relief efforts in her native New York via the American Red Cross for Superstorm Sandy fund.

She wrote on her official website: "If it wasn't for NYC: the Lower East Side, Harlem, the Bronx and Brooklyn, I would not be the woman or artist that I am today. New York is relentless ambition, a drive to succeed, a place where there is a natural pursuit of diversity through compassion.

"Please accept this gift on behalf of myself, my parents Joe and Cynthia, my sister Natali; with our deepest gratitude New York for raising us. Thank you for helping me build my spirit. I will now help you rebuild yours."

The 26-year-old singer - who is currently on tour - is the latest in a string of high profile celebrities to donate or do something to help the cause including Brad Pitt, Ben Stiller, Snooki, Russell Crowe, Barbara Walters, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen and Chelsea Handler.

This marks Lady Gaga's second generous act in recent days after she also sent burgers and fries to her Brazilian fans camped outside her hotel.

She organised the special treat for all her loyal 'Little Monsters' in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, who descended on her hotel to catch a glimpse of their idol.

Gaga posted on twitter: "OI GALERA! In Rio + My beautiful fans are wearing leather & bandanas in the sun, bad asses, gorgeous smiles & fists in the air! I HEAR U!

"Im sending you hamburgers, fries and coke. I love you monsters."

The generous pop star can't wait to perform at the Parque dos Atletas (City of Rock) venue on Friday (09.11.12) because sharing her love with her fans is what the music industry is all about, she says.

Gaga added: "Brazil, there's hundreds @ the hotel and this is what the f*ck its all about, revolution through music. Get ready to party at the show".