Nicki Minaj's 'butt too big' to fit on a bike seat

21 June 2012 - 09:55
By Bang Showbiz

Had to get extra cushions for the bicycle ride

The 'Starships' singer - famed for her ample bottom and Barbie doll-inspired look - was in Amsterdam to perform and decided to enjoy her downtime by renting a bicycle in the Dutch city.

However, the saddle couldn't cope with her heavy derrière so she had to use some extra cushions to allow her to sit comfortably on the peddle bike.

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "The bike seat just wasn't adequate for Nicki's ample posterior. She had to strap on some padding."

Nicki later took to the stage at the city's Heineken Music Hall, where she enjoyed her performance, later tweeting: "I've toured for the last 5 years of my life. I've never in my #LIFE experienced a crowd like the one I just witnessed tonight in #Amsterdam".

It was recently revealed that Nicki demands a number of foodstuffs on her backstage rider.

At a recent show in Australia she was said to ask for Belgian waffles and fried chicken, 12 cans of Red Bull - six at room temperature, six on ice - as well as whipped cream, strawberries and 24 bottles of Snapple fruit drink.