
15 February 2012 - 10:23
By Sowetan

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

A great time to communicate your desires, needs and wants to relevant sources in a manner which is direct and persuasive. Get your share of romance and recreation as well. Fortune now favours you over a wide spectrum of activities. PHONE 083-914-0501 sms ARI to 34703

TAURUS: April 21 - May 21

Show yourself to be a true professional if you intend making a good impression on important people within the commercial sphere. You can also fare extremely well in individual enterprise if you are self-employed and have a worthy idea. PHONE 083-914-0502 sms TAU to 34703

GEMINI: May 21 - June 22

Compile a list of what your amorous relationship needs in order to make it an entirely fulfilling experience. Than invite your sweetheart to do likewise and study the lists together so as to unravel the magic formula for lasting love. PHONE 083-914-0503 sms GEM to 34703

CANCER: June 22 - July 23

The subtle approach is recommended with regard to shared interests. Sensitive issues should be broached sensitively. You can secure points which are salient to you by compromising on the aspects which are important to your associates. PHONE 083-914-0504 sms CAN to 34703

LEO: July 23 - August 24

A fortunate session for working on your plans for the future. Get out of your mental rut by consigning worries to the sidelines. It is important to forget about the past and to base your immediate future on entirely fresh strategies. PHONE 083-914-0505 sms LEO to 34703

VIRGO: August 24 - September 23

This is a specially promising term for initiating negotiations if you intend developing business interests over a wider radius. It is also advantageous for improving arrangements if you have commercial relationships worth developing.PHONE 083-914-0506 sms VIR to 34703

LIBRA: September 23 - October 23

Treat yourself to a break from work and worry by getting involved in healthy and entertaining activities. Friendship and fun can be wonderfully therapeutic in enabling you to cope with other aspects of life by uplifting your spirit. PHONE 083-914-0507 sms LIB to 34703

SCORPIO: October 23 - November 23

Take advantage of a really fortunate period for furthering intensely personal aspirations. You will manage to make headway in an instance where your efforts have hitherto been stymied. You should manage to bring your hopes to fruition. PHONE 083-914-0508 sms SCO to 34703

SAGITTARIUS: November 23 - December 22

Your expanded self-confidence, along with a show of ambition and willingness to get things done quickly, is emphasised. You can accomplish both great deeds and useful ends personally and publicly - if your planning is up to scratch. PHONE 083-914-0509 sms SAG to 34703

CAPRICORN: December 22 - January 21

You should get satisfactory responses, assuming you are dealing with business topics and seeking advice in that connection,, This could be the right time to abandon a current course of action in favour of something far more promising. PHONE 083-914-0510 sms CAP to 34703

AQUARIUS: January 21 - February 20

Enhanced mental fertility now enables you to profit through imaginative aims and endeavours. Your organising ability is well up to scratch, so just define your major targets and then add method to ingenuity in order to attain them. PHONE 083-914-0511 sms AQU to 34703

PISCES: February 20 - March 21

Family affairs should evolve on a sound basis during this largely cheerful and fortunate period. The onus is firmly on you to knock domestic life into shape. Employ a blend of assertiveness and humour to get around dissenting relatives. PHONE 083-914-0512 sms PIS to 34703