
17 October 2011 - 10:11
By Sowetan

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

If you feel that you are socially deprived, this could be an auspicious ambit for getting nicely into the swing of things. Join a club or group that offers opportunities to make new and different friends. Take up dancing or a sport. (PHONE 083-914-0501 sms ARI to 34703)

TAURUS: April 21 - May 21

More activity is envisaged for you, with most of it happening on the personal side of your life. Push ahead with plans for self-betterment while it is possible to realise special aims and objectives. Most hindrances can be overcome.(PHONE 083-9140-502) (sms TAU to 34703)

GEMINI: May 21 - June 22

A splendid session for improving yourself and your fortunes by upgrading your disciplines and practices. Your personal transformation ought to stretch from enhancing your appearance to polishing the way in which you express yourself. (PHONE 083-914-0503 sms GEM to 34703)

CANCER: June 22 - July 23

If the onus is on you to acquire sufficient funds to maintain your loved ones in comfort, look for fresh opportunities to augment your basic income. Insist on others playing their part by eliminating unnecessary expenditure and waste.

LEO: July 23 - August 24

Recognise, accept and utilise your newly inspired ideas. The creative power of the universe is currently focused on you and your resulting thoughts must not be laid to waste. Push doubt and fear to the sidelines and try something new. (PHONE 083-914-0505 sms LEO to 34703)

VIRGO: August 24 - September 23

Your family will surely prove helpful if you approach them with your ideas and challenges. The onus is on you to be open, honest and direct in communicating with them. Seek advice and heed their suggestions. Collaboration works well.(PHONE 083-914-0506) (sms VIR to 34703)

LIBRA: September 23 - October 23

There is a positive mood in the air and you should take advantage of your opportunity to fulfil your cherished wish. You will fare splendidly if you have an artistic or sporting ambition because your skill now comes shining through. (PHONE 083-914-0507) (sms LIB to 34703)

SCORPIO: October 23 - November 23

Do whatever you deem to be necessary to enhance your appearance and wellbeing. Spend more quality time in the fresh air. Regular communing with nature should soon enough give you a healthy glow. Make daily exercise your regular custom. (PHONE 083-914-0508 sms SCO to 34703)

SAGITTARIUS: November 23 - December 22

You should now be well-focused with regard to your long-range desires - quite oblivious to distractions and in the mood to rapidly gain lost ground in your quest for personal security. Full attention to detail delivers superb results. (PHONE 083-914-0509 sms SAG to 34703)

CAPRICORN: December 22 - January 21

Because you are in a more serious frame of mind, you might prefer to focus on educational and mental activities. But you should also give attention to your health - must improve your diet and start exercising in order to get fitter.(PHONE 083-914-0510 sms CAP to 34703)

AQUARIUS: January 21 - February 20 You can make definite moves toward the attainment of future security now that your reasoning is crystal clear, your intuition is extra keen, and long-range objectives are in focus. Education and relocation are worthy of consideration. (PHONE 083-914-0511 sms AQU to 34703)

PISCES: February 20 - March 21

Move away from recent hardship by changing your outlook. You will be delighted to discover what a progressive manner can do for your prospects. Business and career advancements are within your reach if you promote yourself confidently. (PHONE 083-914-0512 sms PIS to 34703)