your stars 27 June

27 June 2011 - 11:08
By Sowetan

ARIES: Mar 21 - Apr 21.

Some time spent in contemplation could be incredibly rewarding by helping you to find answers to issues preying on your mind. Your ingenuity will flower in seclusion, so keep well away from whatever may interrupt your train of thought. (PHONE 083-9140-501) (sms ARI to 34703)

TAURUS: Apr 21 - May 21.

Supposing you desire admiration and popularity, you will get splendid chances to fulfil your aims. Your sociability and optimism are peaking during a cycle containing opportunities for self-enhancement. Capitalise on your good luck. (PHONE 083-9140-502) (sms TAU to 34703)

GEMINI: May 21 - Jun 22.

The charm of your personality can be put to excellent use in relation to your business aspirations. You can probably get into a position to make or to save money; need only to examine trends so as to see where your best options are. (PHONE 083-9140-503) (sms GEM to 34703)

CANCER: Jun 22 - Jul 23.

Be sociable and make the utmost of the openings brought about by your obvious readiness to communicate with all and sundry. You will be pleasantly surprised to find how easy it is to get cooperation when your own nature is accessible. (PHONE 083-9140-504) (sms CAN to 34703)

LEO: Jul 23 - Aug 24.

Devote extra attention to your family and habitat because it is in relation to domesticity that you will function best in the course of this harmonious term. Take action immediately if you intend improving certain domestic arrangements. (PHONE 083-9140-505) (sms LEO to 34703)

VIRGO: Aug 24 - Sep 23.

Romantic, social and cultural activities are favoured to give you pleasure, so if you have special designs in mind apropos any of these aspects of life, this is the time to reach for your goal. Sporting activity should also be pleasing. (PHONE 083-9140-506) (sms VIR to 34703)

LIBRA: Sep 23 - Oct 23.

Take advantage of a super phase for improving your work relationships; and to thereby obtain the assistance you need to advance or complete your assignment or project. Aim to earn approval from your superiors for your finished work. (PHONE 083-9140-507) (sms LIB to 34703)

SCORPIO: Oct 23 - Nov 23.

While you can still play a leading role in determining the plan of action, it now takes teamwork to get the desired results. So, cast off your individuality for the time being in order to progress through your relevant relationships. (PHONE 083-9140-508) (sms SCO to 34703)

SAGITTARIUS: Nov 23 - Dec 22.

This should be a time of renewal for you; a time for changing your methods so as to improve your material fortunes. You must distance yourself from people and activities that drain your resources, in order to make a brand-new start. (PHONE 083-9140-509) (sms SAG to 34703)

CAPRICORN: Dec 22 - Jan 21.

Move ahead with plans appertaining to futurity. If travel or relocation figure in your thoughts, you should proceed with your enquiries and plans. You might make an important breakthrough in negotiations if you intend moving elsewhere. (PHONE 083-9140-510) (sms CAP to 34703)

AQUARIUS: Jan 21 - Feb 20.

Your leadership qualities should be more apparent at this time, which is very well-suited to pursuing worldly aspirations. Your fresh show of enthusiasm and determination should prove extremely inspiring to your allies and followers. (PHONE 083-9140-511) (sms AQU to 34703)

PISCES: Feb 20 - Mar 21.

Welcome a session in which you can benefit immensely from friendship. Getting involved in community activities and group projects will increase your circle of acquaintances. Participation produces pleasure so make yourself available. (PHONE 083-9140-512) (sms PIS to 34703)