Stars 1511

15 November 2010 - 09:24
By unknown

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

Look for your portion in one direction or place. In other words, you must set out with a fixed design; need to specialise so as to attain fame and fortune; will not register any meaningful progress by aimlessly rushing here and there. (PHONE 083-914-0501)

TAURUS: April 21 - May 21

In trying to speed up the result in a crucial matter, you may act impulsively and make the wrong decision. This is definitely a time calling for calm, cool and careful cogitation. Do not allow worry to get a grip on your disposition. (PHONE 083-914-0502)

GEMINI: May 21 - June 22

Weigh up the pros and cons of your domestic situation very carefully in order to make the right decisions. Do not permit yourself to become anxious because anxiety creates more problems. Common sense alone can solve your difficulties.(PHONE 083-914-0503)

CANCER: June 22 - July 23

You may be too easily discouraged by the adverse nature of this cycle when it would actually pay you to hang on determinedly to your aim or dream. Remember that luck comes in good and bad cycles; and your prospects will soon improve. (PHONE 083-914-0504)

LEO: July 23 - Aug 24

Take extra precautions in order to safeguard your health and also monitor the wellbeing of those who are dear to you. Carelessness or neglect could easily result in a setback to someone in your household during this adverse session. (PHONE 083-914-0505)

VIRGO: Aug 24 - Sep 23

Do not place too much faith in promises and commitments right now. You should guard against being deceived by vague and equivocal assurances. You are likely to be disappointed yet again by somebody who has let you down in a past time.(PHONE 083-914-0506)

LIBRA: Sep 23 - Oct 23

Major changes appear to be in the making; and you will get your first inkling of what is about to transpire. Conditions could alter quite dramatically; for you personally - possibly in your career sector and perhaps in your domicile. (PHONE 083-914-0507)

SCORPIO: Oct 23 - Nov 23

Your next action could be prompted by a shock unless you heed this warning to compose yourself forthwith. Then you will manage to cope reasonably well with what next transpires, however unpleasant it is, and still stick to your plan. (PHONE 083-914-0508)

SAGITTARIUS: Nov 23 - Dec 22

Even if you have a faculty for doing good business deals, you must now beware of misdirecting your flair and prowess. Actions which are too impulsive could also prove to be critical. Slow down and think each action through carefully. (PHONE 083-914-0509)

CAPRICORN: Dec 22 - Jan 21

A disagreement could arise between you and a friend or colleague. Since there will be no common ground for resolving it, the debate may drag on indefinitely. Strongly-held convictions or motivations leave scant room for compromises. (PHONE 083-914-0510)

AQUARIUS: Jan 21 - Feb 20

You are now required to be nothing less than courageous, original and resourceful; must be prepared to tackle personal difficulties head on; need to defeat them very quickly in order to get advantageously to grips with new interests. (PHONE 083-914-0511)

PISCES: Feb 20 - March 21

You must be cautious and discreet during this potentially tumultuous interval. Keep your wits fully about you because a keen and alert manner will safeguard your position. Be wary of revealing information that may be used against you.(PHONE 083-914-0512)