
DMRE is digging deep to promote small-scale and artisanal mining

The department of mineral resources & energy is contributing to job creation, economic growth and poverty alleviation by helping to create a more inclusive mining industry

The department of mineral resources & energy is inviting prospective small-scale and artisanal miners to get on board.
The department of mineral resources & energy is inviting prospective small-scale and artisanal miners to get on board.
Image: 123RF/fattestbee

The department of mineral resources & energy (DMRE) through its Small-Scale Mining Directorate promotes small-scale mining activities in SA. The aim is to regulate artisanal and small-scale mining so that mining activities can be undertaken in a safe, secure and environmentally responsible manner. 

What is small-scale and artisanal mining? 

Artisanal mining involves traditional and customary mining operations using predominantly rudimentary technologies. It includes the activities of individuals using mostly labour-intensive, low-technology mining methods and manual, simple tools to access marginal or very small deposits of mineral ore available on the ground's surface or at shallow depths.

Small-scale mining (SSM) encompasses prospecting and mining activities that may employ mechanised technologies, but do not use chemicals such as mercury, cyanide or explosives. It can be mechanised or semi-mechanised and/or have a greater degree of capitalisation.

Small-scale and artisanal mining vs illegal mining

Small-scale mining is supported by mining legislation and allows for participants to hold mining permits to conduct artisanal and small-scale mining operations at their approved sites. Artisanal and small-scale mining considers environmental and health and safety practices, as well as taxation and royalty legislations.

Illegal mining takes place at derelict and ownerless mines under very dangerous conditions and through non-approved mining methods. Illegal mining is spearheaded by well-connected criminal syndicates who are heavily armed and often use explosives. They operate outside the legal framework that governs SA’s mining sector.

Why DMRE promotes artisanal and small-scale mining 

  • To contribute towards job creation, economic growth and poverty alleviation;
  • To promote health, safety and sound environmental management practices;
  • To facilitate entry and meaningful participation of previously disadvantaged persons;
  • To promote optimal and orderly exploitation of mineral resources for the benefit of all South Africans; and
  • To facilitate the graduation of artisanal and small-scall miners to medium and/or large-scale miners.

How do you get support for small-scale and artisanal mining operations?

The DMRE, through the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Support Programme, facilitates economic advancement, SMME development and institutional support to ensure a competitive, dynamic and sustainable artisanal and small-scale mining sub-sector.

Small-scale mining fund 

The DMRE established the Small-Scale Mining Fund for the promotion and development of the artisanal and small-scale mining sub-sector. This fund aims to promote entry of previously disadvantaged persons in the mining industry in line with the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act No 28 of 2002) (As Amended).

Financial assistance is offered to historically disadvantaged South Africans in the form of a grant to approved applicants by the constituted Adjudication Committee.

The financial assistance offered to approved beneficiaries covers the cost of the capital and operational expenses of a small-scale mining operation. In addition, it is meant to cover the Financial Provision for Rehabilitation.

For more information on participating in the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Support Programme, contact the DMRE’s head office on 012 444 3000.

This article was sponsored by the DMRE.