AMCU given permission to strike at Lonmin

12 December 2013 - 12:53
By Sapa

Trade union Amcu has been given permission by the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) to strike at Lonmin over a wage dispute.

"The CCMA issued a certificate of non-resolution," Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union treasurer Jimmy Gama said on Thursday.

Wage talks between the union and the platinum miner deadlocked last month. Amcu demanded a minimum wage of R12,500 across all levels. The matter was then referred to the CCMA.

Gama said a strike could happen in the near future.

"We are still going to consult our members. It [the strike] will probably happen next year."

Lonmin spokeswoman Sue Vey confirmed that Amcu received the certificate, but declined to comment further.

Amcu, which represents 60 percent of Lonmin's workforce, was recognised as the majority union at the company in July.